Returns & Refunds Policy

Returns Policy

We stand by our product and offer a 30-day money-back guarantee.

If you are not fully happy with the goods you have received, you can return them to us within 30 days of receiving your order.

To be eligible for returns,

Products must be undamaged. 

Products must be not used.

How do I return my items?

You have up to 30 days to start your return from the moment you receive the item. Please include the original packaging with your return.


We offer free returns for the following situation:

1)Logistics abnormality: No updates for more than 15 days.

2)The product has major defects or quality problems.

For other return claims, the customer will cover the return shipping cost. 


You can send the following information to the email address

1)Your name 

2)Order number 

3)Site photo of the product 

4)Reason for return customer service after receiving the information

We will verify the information with you as soon as possible and refund the goods within 48 hours of receiving the information. 

Received a faulty item?

We're sorry to hear you have received a faulty items. We will be able to facilitate a free return for you if this is needed regardless of your location. So that we are able to assist you in the best way possible please contact our support team through with the following info:

1)Your name

2)Order number

3)Take product photos

4)Describe the problem that occurred with the product